Friday, January 13, 2012

Sleeping Through the Night...Aaah!

You've slept through the night 4 (going on 5) nights in a row now.  Right now you've been sleeping for a really long time.  I keep going in to check on you and you're still alive.  Usually you don't go to sleep until midnight then you've been sleeping till 7:30 AM.  That's for the past 4 nights anyway.  Tonight you went down around 6:30ish and have been sleeping ever since.  It's 1:33 AM right now.  I'm up because Carolina has been running a really high fever this evening.  104-103 and I need to make sure she gets her fever reducer every 4 hours.  We had to put her in a room temperature bath to get her temperature down earlier.  

Have I told you about your smiles lately?  Oh gosh, you smile so much and on purpose.
And you're doing your best to talk to us.  Just thinking about it makes my heart well up.  You are such a wonderful baby.  Mmm, Mmm, Mmm!  I love you precious boy!

You've outgrown several items of clothing.  I'm making you wear everything while I take pictures daily.  Or I should say try to.  Today I didn't get to because we were selling Girl Scout cookies all day.  And pretty much I'm either too busy to remember to take pictures when you are awake or can't find the camera.  I haven't been able to find the camera for two days now.  lol.  Seriously.

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