Saturday, January 14, 2012

Girl Scout Cookies

     Kai, this is your first year to sell Girl Scout cookies.  You are doing tremendously well.  You didn't have much interest the first few weeks.  Neither did I, to be honest.  But the other day I got to thinking that we better put a little effort into it and sewed the patches on your smock and sent you to school with your order form and wearing your smock.  So many girls at school, in the troop asked you why you were wearing your smock to school and you said, "because I'm a Girl Scout and I'm selling cookies."  The next day when Daddy asked you if you wanted to wear it again you said, "Na.  Everybody knows I'm a Girl Scout now."

The first day you asked the ladies in the office and Mrs. Rachael and nobody wanted to buy any.  Either they had already bought some or were on a diet.  So when I went to pick you up that afternoon I told you that when someone told you "no" to ask them if they would buy a box to donate to the wounded soldiers.  You saw Mr. Kerr and wanted to try it out.  He told you he had already bought some cookies and didn't want anymore, then I reminded you of your follow up question and you asked him and he bought your first box of cookies.  So we decided to cruise down the 2nd grade hall.  You told me you were too scared to go into Mrs. Kemp's room so I asked you if you wanted the IPAD that you had picked out of the prize catalog and you said, "yes ma'am."  So I told you that you'd have to get in there and talk to that teacher then and that was the last pep talk I had to give you.  You had to use your follow up question on nearly every teacher at that school and it worked 90% of the time.  I was shocked to find that today you were forgetting to ask that.  But you did great anyway.  You are at 102 boxes after just 3 days of selling.  Two of those days were school days. Today was a snow day.  Your very first snow day too.  Delsin has been helping you with the sales and let me tell ya, you two make a great team.   You've argued a smidgen and I've seen you playing in the businesses we've visited a little too much, but you are both natural born sales people and I'm proud to see it.  You're a chip off the ole block.  I love it.
     You've already started making plans for how to sell next year.  I think you're gonna do great.
Funny story, someone did call the police on you, and me and I guess Delsin too.  The receptionist at Dr. Jack Carey's office wouldn't let you come in without me.  Never mind that I was waiting right at the door with our two babies.  When we made our way around to the Sheriff's office a detective there told us that there had been a complaint.  I'm betting it was the woman at Dr. Carey's office that was upset about the fact that you had to pay when you order this year.  No matter, we'll go back and sell some to her anyway.

I love you Kai.

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