Friday, January 13, 2012

MMR shot

You're running a fever tonight.  A really really high fever.  About 2 weeks ago you got your MMR vaccine and they told us that one of the side effects is that 10 - 14 days later you could run a really high fever and have a rash.  Well, here we are.  You don't have a rash, but this afternoon when we got home from Girl Scout cookie selling you didn't look like you felt good so I felt of you and you were warm.  I took your temperature and you had a fever of 104.2.  I gave you some acetaminophen and a popsicle and it came down.  Just a few hours later it was back up and I gave you some ibuprofen and a room temperature bath.  You didn't like that but you went along with it.  You are such a good girl.  I'm so proud of how you keep your sweet disposition, even in the event of a sickness.  You had your first stomach virus about 2 weeks ago.  You were vomiting.  You did eventually get real grumpy with that one and it took a few days to get out of that grumpiness.  I really hope that you get over this before morning.  I love you so much and don't want to see you sick.

A few things that you are doing new:  You are running and saying more words like diaper, dink (drink, that one's been around for a while),  and some words that you've known for a long time are Mama, Daddy, Bye, and Hey.  You love electronics. I'd say they are you favorite thing to play with and baby dolls are your 2nd.  The play kitchen is 3rd or maybe your radio flyer thingy is.  It sits on a hill and you ride it down. Every where we go people comment on how special you make them feel when you hug on them.  Even strangers.

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