Wednesday, October 8, 2014

We're putting away baby clothes and cleaning up our bedroom today.
Ahh!  I love you sweet baby Lenore.
That's what daddy says your name is going to be.
Now to just pick out a middle name.
You aren't moving nearly as much as you have been.
I was worried this morning, but you kicked me once or twice when I provoked you, so I know all is well.
You had your 2nd camping trip this past weekend.
Another cub scout camping trip.
It was the Jamboree.  It got down to 34 degrees overnight, but Carolina, Enoch, Delsin, and Kai kept us warm.  Except for our 2 hourly trips to the porta potties of course.
You are an amazing little lady and I'm so looking forward to meeting you face to face.
We all love you.
Enoch kisses my belly each night and tells you good night.  So sweet.

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