Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You Are Crawling!!!

For the past several weeks now you've been scooting backwards.  So last Thursday, when you took off like you were in a race it took me by such surprise that I actually screamed out loud.  Then Delsin and Kai did too.  Your daddy came running in from the other room, to see how badly you were hurt because we had scared him.  You saw a piece of scrap fabric laying on one end of the rug, it was shinny, and you had to have it.  I declared you a girlie girl because you are attracted to shiny things.

Then, this past weekend you got your 3rd tooth!  Officially!  It's on top and it's your left, 3rd from the center, tooth.  And you are such a pro at eating.  Tonight you had chicken quesadilla and loved every bit of it.  You get so upset if you see someone sitting at the table and if you smell food and you haven't been given anything.  In fact, you look like your feelings are really hurt.  I might have to get a video of that tomorrow, or sometime soon.  I have jury duty selection tomorrow.  Georgia doesn't have a law exempting breastfeeding mothers from jury duty, so it looks like I'll be pumping and you'll be learning how to accept a bottle.  Good luck with that.  Good luck to both of us, actually.  Pumping is very uncomfortable and I never get as much when I pump as you can efficiently extract from me.  But I am excited about the possibility of participating in a jury.  I've never done this before.

Well, it should be official sometime around November.  We just found out two weeks ago.  Daddy is out of work, so we have taken the past two weeks to get approved for medicaid and I really should have looked for a Dr. today.  I could use Dr. Spainer.  He's the Dr. who was supposed to deliver you, but his partner did.  He did provide us our prenatal care.  I could see him, but he doesn't do water births.  I really, really, really, want to have a home water birth, but with Daddy being out of work I'm not counting on that.  I wish though.  It costs out of pocket though to have a midwife and a home birth.  It would be so cool though.  I'll pray for God's will to be done.
Here are some more pictures that we've taken of you over the past few days.

 A day at Fernbank Museum...

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