Monday, March 14, 2011

We've had a lot of fun this past month

Let's see if I can post something without overloading in pictures...
Oh who cares!  You're beautiful and we want to see pictures!

Your first bath with the big girls...
Your first Urick ladies luncheon at the German Bakery...

And your first time to eat steamed green beans and roasted chicken!

Carolina, about 2 weeks ago you started sitting up alone for a minute or two at a time. 
Then Wednesday night, when we dropped you off at the nursery at church all of the babies in there had learned to crawl or walk.  Well, the next day you were hollering at me while I was in the kitchen and you were on the rug.  When I looked over at you, you were on your hands and knees rocking back and forth, and scooting backwards.  Shortly after, you started picking up your legs and moving them forward.  You didn't move your hands though, so you just kept falling on your face.  But you never cried, just brushed yourself off and got right back up at it.  A couple of days later I got down on the floor and you watched intently as I crawled in front of you.  Then you started moving your hands like mine.  You almost have this crawling thing down.  You just need to figure out how to move your legs and arms in the right order, to get it. 
It won't be long!!!

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