Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Have I told you lately?

Your first birthday was a blast.  You were so funny and cute and sweet.
Here are some new things you're doing:
You started throwing fits the day before your birthday.  If you wanted to be held for no reason, you let me know about it.
You started walking a WHOLE lot more the day after your birthday, and now you're walking all over the place.
You are gabbing like crazy and started saying "Daddy" last week.  And it's so sweet to hear you call out for him when you wake up, sometimes.
You've stopped eating vegetables.  Ever since your daddy shared a steak with you a few weeks back you won't touch a vegetable or bread.  It's all hot dogs and steaks or burgers/lunch meat.  You're definitely a carnivore by nature. 

OK I've got to go fix breakfast for Delsin right now.  Kai's getting caps put on her teeth today so we're gonna spend some time at the hospital this morning.  I love you sweetie.

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