Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I have to tell you something before I forget...

     Enoch and Carolina, you have been doing so many new things over the past month that I know I won't be able to remember them all.  I'm hoping to at least blog about a few now.  Like just now Enoch, you started clapping today.  Just out of the blue you started hitting your hands together and then watching in amazement.  Wait, that was yesterday.  I haven't been to sleep yet.  I'm working on crib sheet orders and drapery alterations for a few customers.  You are sitting here with me because you wake up hungry around 4:30 AM.

Carolina, you started walking backwards the other day.  We were at your first state fair and on the way out of the mule pull you just turned around and started trying to walk backwards.  It took a time or two before you figured it out.  Then, you wanted to walk backwards all the way to the car.  We carried you at that point.

A whole year has passed...

I can't believe how time flies.  And I can't believe it's been a whole year since I've been on here.
I just can't seem to find the time to get on here or check email. I completely underestimated my ability to keep up with homeschooling and all the rest that comes with being a stay at home mom/wife to 4 children.
I am ashamed to say I haven't really sewn anything in this past year either.  Oh well, I've been cuddling with you a whole lot.

Enoch,  the main reason I'm allowing the house to fall down around me while I come on here to type a post is because you have been talking in full sentences this week.  It's so freaking cute too.  Just amazing.  It all started last week when we had Ava Newberry, Emily and Zachary over for a visit.  I can't understand anything Ava says, but she's talkative all the same and I think it kinda inspired you to show off what you know, because now you are all about "telling" us what you need instead of crying and grunting and both of us throwing a fit.  It's been nice. :^)  Quite the amazing little man.  You are still really into cars and balls.  Oh yeah, and you like trains too.  For your Birthday this year, we had a party, even though you were "sick" it was the same symptoms as last year that's why I think you have allergies.  Ava was the only person that came, but you two had a lot of fun.

You are getting so big, and you get really mad whenever someone refers to you as a baby.  You make sure to tell them you are a "big, BIG Girl!"  All while you make motions with your arms as if trying to encompass the world.  You have started preschool this year, and Enoch is doing it with you some.  You are learning your colors, and today we learned how to play the match game.  Right now you've got Daddy & Kai over there playing with you.  Enoch and I played with you till he was worn plumb out.  He's napping now.  You're really into Strawberry Shortcake and Daddy is on the hunt for a Strawberry Shortcake doll for you for Christmas.  Keeping our fingers crossed.  He isn't having much luck so far.

Kai & Delsin I'll have to come back.  I started this post 3 weeks ago!  Whew time flies!