Saturday, July 14, 2012

You call me Mama!


You've been saying "Mama" for the past three days.  
It was so cute when several days ago you kept saying, "Uuma!  Uuma!"
I knew you were trying to say, "Mama".  So at one point I looked at you face to face and said, "Mama" slowly over and over again.  You were watching and smiling and laughing.  I think you were laughing because you were so happy that I knew what you were doing.  

Today we went to a family reunion on my Granddaddy's side.  
Here you are meeting Shane Bell.  He's my cousin Lisa's husband.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New things all around!

I'll have to post pictures later today.  
It's 4AM and I haven't been to sleep yet.  
I just wanted to tell you that you guys are amazing me.
Delsin & Kai you completed your first summer reading program and not one but...
two libraries.  You won some neat prizes: pass to Wilson County Fair, Nashville Sounds tickets, Jimmy Floyd Center passes, certificates of completion, gift certificated to Mc Donald's.  
And I am so very proud of you.

Carolina, you showed me yesterday that you know how to push a chair up to where you want to climb, and you also chewed gum for the first time.  It's not the first time you've been given gum, but you didn't swallow it today.  In fact, you kept yours longer than I kept mine.  Way to go!

Enoch,  I've been slacking in telling you that you got your fifth tooth a week ago.  Then this past Saturday you got your 6th tooth.  YOUR top, center, left and right respectively.  You look so cute with all those teeth when you smile!  Today you played hide n seek by hiding your face on my chest.  I'd say, "Where's Enoch?"  over and over a few times, then you'd raise your head up and look me in the eye and giggle while I said, "There he is!!"

Tonight Tristen is spending the night with us.

I'm very proud of all of your.  And I love you all so very much!