Saturday, December 15, 2012

Enoch Turns 1 Year Old!

It's taken me nearly 2 months to find the words to tell you how amazing you are to me, 
without breaking down and crying.
I've gotta take a break, for a minute.

You are such an amazing little man.
I mean it.  

And the way you love me makes me feel so so special.

You are walking like a pro now.

Yesterday you walked from the middle of the playroom to Laleh sitting under the Christmas tree in the living room.  You were clearly celebrating it with her too.

For your birthday we stayed around the house.  We were sick and didn't want to get anyone else sick, so we cancelled the party.  But we had so much fun having a party of our own.

Here are a few pictures I took of you this past weekend, at Stone Mountain Park.
You were trying to climb Johnny, The Favorite Climbing Tree.

You learned how to climb up on things a few weeks ago.

But no matter how high up you got on your tippy toes you just couldn't climb up on Johnny.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Enoch is sick


Poor sweet baby.  
We were in a luke warm bath last night because your temperature was 104.6 degrees.
You're on a regiment of  acetaminophen and ibuprofen to control it now.  
On a lighter note.  You are clearly trying to talk now.  
You often attempt to repeat words that we say and it is so darn cute. 
You reach out when you want to be held, which feels like all the time. :)
You are definitely a Momma's Boy and I love it.
You had your first sleep over a few weeks ago with Aunt Becky.
Then your second was with Aunt Audrey.  
Aunt Audrey didn't enjoy it as much as Aunt Becky did, 'cause you missed me so much and were fussy, to say the least.
You are almost ready to walk.  You try every day, and you are getting another tooth right now, but I don't know for sure where yet.  I just know you soak a bib in no time flat.
I gotta go feed you now.  I love you!
(These pictures were taken at the Wilson County Fair in August.)

P.S. Tonight you used a fork!  Just grabbed it off of Delsin's plate of spaghetti and started putting food in your mouth over and over!  And just now I turned on some Bee Gees (Stayin' Alive) and you started dancing!