Sunday, November 13, 2011

You're not a baby anymore....

Officially you are a toddler, but you'll always be my baby girl and I'm hanging on to that for dear life right now.
You are walking so well now.  When you get tired you fall a lot, but you're hardly waddling at all now. I was so happy because I thought I had gotten some cute video of you waddling around naked.  But I just looked at it and realized that I turned the camera sideways while filming!!!  I may have to take another.  You still waddle a little bit.  More than you ever will again, I bet.
You are so smart.  All the time I am amazed at how I can tell you do to something and you show me you understand.  Today, during church you started getting antsy (we placed our membership at First Baptist Church in Hartsville today) so I took you to the entry way to let you walk around.  I noticed that right before you would pick up something that I hadn't told you not to pick up, but you knew you shouldn't you'd say to yourself, "Aaaghnt".  That lets me know that you understand there are somethings you shouldn't mess with, even before I tell you.

Halloween was awesome.  You and Enoch were peas-in-a-pod.  
He's stretching as the picture was being taken.
You got to do a little trick-or-treating this year, and you enjoyed plenty of candy too.  Mostly you shared Delsin and Kai's booty while Daddy and I ate yours.  But we all had a blast and I thought it fitting that you were a sweet pea, considering that is your nick name.
You and Kai are becoming such great friends. 
You get so excited when the bus comes and you stand at the storm door and press your face against it making Delsin and Kai laugh when they walk up the sidewalk to come in the house.  Kai has a lot less homework than Delsin, so she gets done much faster and then you and she play hide and seek as soon as she's done.  That girl loves to hide and let you find her, so much that I don't even think she realizes she's doing it all of the time.  And you are always so good at finding her.  You've been doing this for several months now, even when you were crawling.  I think that you must be able to find her by smelling her because sometimes she comes in and hides in the absolute best places and there's no way you could have seen her.  Then by the time finally waddle in the room you just go right over to where she is and find her.  It cracks me up.
I try to get video of you and all of your antics, but it's hard.
It's even harder to upload them to this blog page.  I need to get in the habit of putting them on our private Youtube account, I guess. 

Sweet Baby Enoch, you are growing so fast!

What a great picture of you.
You turn 5 weeks old tomorrow!
You had a great 2 week check up.  You were 6lbs 6oz  and 20 1/4 inches long.
But that was 3 weeks ago now.  I know you must be over 7 lbs now.  
You are just growing like a weed.  You've already outgrown some of your hats and outfits.
You are lifting your head more and more each day.  
You still sleep most of the time.  You are starting to stay up for a longer period of time around midnight and the early morning hours.  A lot of times it seems to start as soon as the other kids get to bed (around 8pm).  I'm trying to decide if it's due to gas.  You have been passing a bit more during that time, it seems.
You look at me when I'm talking to you.
Everyone is so in love with you.  Carolina seems especially drawn to you.
If you cry, she immediately starts calling my name and trying to get me to pick you up.  Or get me to give you to her.  She gets a really cutesy high pitched sweet talk when she looks at you and leans in to kiss you and try to hug you.  Every time I put your car seat within reach she attempts to climb in with you, so I keep you out of reach most of the time.

Your first Halloween was a hoot.  You and Carolina were peas-in-a-pod and your daddy and I were carrots.
I made your pea pod out of green fleece (a sling) and when the sun went down I just brought my carrot flap down over you so that you stayed nice and warm all tucked under my costume.