Friday, June 24, 2011

Baby# 5 - I feel you moving around in there!!!

It's been about a week since the questionable gas bubbles became obvious that they were baby movements.  I've been enjoying it immensely.  I haven't been to see a Dr. here in Tennessee yet.  We've been here about a month now.  I need to get on that.  I love the movements though.  We were lucky enough to get to see you on ultra sound before we moved and you were sucking your thumb.  It was such an awesome thing to see you.  We have pictures and I'll try to be better about scanning those and posting them on here.  I slacked off with Carolina and did a pretty pitiful job of keeping a baby book for Delsin and Kai too.  My blog is going to replace the baby book.  I think I can maybe print a book of the blog.  I'm sure we'll work all that out later.  It makes me know you are alive and kicking.  Literally.

Your daddy and I have different feelings on what sex you will be.  I say I think you will be a boy and he says he thinks a girl.  So, I've been working hard to come up with boy names.  I haven't found anything yet that jumps out at me.  I have found a few that I like, but I keep praying that God will let me know what your name should be.  Maybe you are a girl and that's why God hasn't given men any signs, or maybe it's just not time yet.  I can't wait to see you though.  We are all eagerly anticipating.... except maybe Carolina.  I don't think she has any clue that you are in my tummy.   I can't wait till the day she feels you kick and takes notice.  That will be so funny.  I love you sweet little baby!