Thursday, February 24, 2011

Your 6 month appointment

(You like tomatoes!)
I wanted to tell you that on Sunday you had three teeth.  On Monday you only had two teeth.
Sounds crazy huh?  I'll bet you're wondering why and how that could have happened.  Well, Tuesday we went to the pediatrician's office for your 6 month check up.  I mentioned it and Dr. Tenenbaum said that you actually only had two teeth and the third one, the one that came in 2nd, was actually a cyst on top of your tooth.  It was more white than your other teeth.  He said that it popped because your new tooth popped it as it's pushing up.  You do have a little nub there.  And you've been sooo fussy since last week.
You are growing like a weed and have gained 2 lbs since the last visit.  Dr. Tenenbaum said you were doing great.  Nothing like the last appointment we had with his nurse tech.  I forget how long you are now.  I can probably check that out.  You got three vaccines, and you were not happy about it.  I love you so much Carolina Jane.  So do Delsin and Kai.  I'll try to remember to post some pictures tomorrow.  I'm really tired.  It's 2:22 AM and you are going to be waking me up soon for breakfast.  I've been stealing time trying to work on your Easter dress.  It's a bishop and the first one I've ever attempted to make.  I'm crazy, because in addition to teaching myself to smock, I've got quite a following on my blog and youtube.
Good night sweet lovey baby!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Teeth! Food! First Snow!

This is the end of December, and all of January, in a nut shell.

That's right.  You got your first tooth on January 19th.
And then you got your second tooth on January 26th.  
Your first tooth was the second from the right on the front, if I'm looking at you.
Your second tooth was the one in the front to the right, if I'm looking at you.

You didn't seem a bit out of sorts for the first one.  
(Here's a picture of Papa trying to feed you some baby food.  You weren't interested. These three were a few days before Christmas.)
A little out of sorts on the second.  And I though for sure that you were going to get another tooth this week.
  (Delsin trying to feed you a bottle, the day after Christmas.  You weren't interested.)
The center left one looks like it's coming close.  It appears as though you are going to be like Kai.
  She had a mouth full of teeth at just 9 months old.  People said she looked so cute, then when she smiled it was so unusual that it caught them off guard. 
 (Somebody got a new swing for Christmas!)
It looks like you're going to have a mouth full of teeth early too.
 (Sweet Kisses)

You also had your first meal this week. 

You had scrambled eggs.  And not just any scrambled eggs...

You got to eat Henrietta's scrambled eggs as your very first official meal.

Here's a little clip. 
(first Snow 1/7/11)

You had a dedication on the 23rd of January.