The last post was me jotting down some notes while on the phone with my midwife.
She told me that one of her books said to take that to help the placenta reattach. I've googled it and I've asked one of my doctors about it. (Dr. Mann) I couldn't find anything. Dr. Mann said it couldn't hurt, but she hadn't seen any miracle healing since my troubles began. That made me laugh and she was doing the ultra sound at the time, so you could see the baby giggling around on the ultra sound :) That was funny. So, I'm trying to remember to take all these vitamins every day. I do good for a couple of weeks, then I forget one day and it's a struggle to remember to do it from then on out for a few weeks.
Speaking of forgetting. I completely forgot to call my mom's on Mother's Day yesterday. I feel so terrible. I remembered several times, actually. I was never near a phone any of those times, and completely forgot when I was near a phone. Now my momma's phone goes straight to voicemail each time I call. Ugh! I feel so awful about it!
I've been forgetting to update my blogs too. I so wanted to keep a pregnancy journal! I'm not as good at all the journals and baby book keeping as I thought I would be. I never made Delsin's footprints. I kept pouring the cast and letting it dry out before imprinting his foot (forgetting). I hate that I forget so much. I just don't think I'm thoughtful enough. I think of others, but never follow through. I've got tons of pictures to download right now, as I'm thinking of all the ultra sound photos I've put in an envelope (around here somewhere [as I scan the kitchen]). I've lost some diamond earrings that Daniel gave me our first Christmas together. 1.5 cts platinum. I'm sick over it. I feel that they must have been stolen, because even the GIA certification paperwork is missing. I feel even more nauseous at the thought of who could have stolen those earrings from me. I keep going through trash and thoroughly cleaning every inch of this house in hopes that they'll show up. I hope they do. I've never been a diamond kind of girl. I'm just not fancy enough to justify spending that kind of money on something for myself. Not worthy is I think how I said it to Daniel. But I really liked them and I wore them often. I felt like I could be one of those pretty/fancy girls if I wanted to while I was wearing those earrings. Oh well, they were just rocks. Right?
I feel like so much has happened with the pregnancy since I last blogged. G.G. came down to stay with us for a week and help out. She was great. It was awesome and I cried when she left. I really love her.
Then Grandpa Bill came for a week and helped out a ton with laundry and kids and chickens. Oh yeah and dogs and dirt, tons of help.
Amy came and cooked us dinner, enough for a few nights of salmon and lentil soup. She left lots of goodies too. It was so good to see my friend. I'm glad we're reconnecting.
An old roommate from college is coming to stay with me this weekend. I'm so excited! I haven't seen her since college. I miss her. I was a flaky friend back then. I am still. I know this. Ryn came by this weekend and brought some gifts. She came at lunch, and it didn't even dawn on me that I could prepare a lunch for US to all enjoy ahead of time. Sometimes I think I'm so darn rude. Like the package I still haven't sent to Australia. Like the many thank you cards I've yet to send. Please Lord help me to do that this week. It would make my friends know and feel appreciated.
Daniel built me some garden boxes and started building a chicken coop yesterday. I'm so grateful and excited about that. He's a sweet man. I Love him.