Thursday, April 15, 2010

3 doses of 500 iu of vitamin E
2 doses of 25,000 iu of vitamin A (beta carotene)
6 doses of 1,000 mg of vitamin C
50 mg of Zinc with food.

from my midwife regarding helping placenta reattach.

Two Ultra Sounds and a whole lot of rollercoaster

On April 8Th I went to the perinatal unit at the hospital for my 3rd ultra sound.
Dr. Stone said that everything looked terrific and he wasn't planning to see me again until I was 30 weeks along.

Then two days ago. April 13Th, while taking chicken off of the grill, I had a very sharp pain that started very low in my right abdomen and slowly moved up and throughout my abdomen. I decided to sit on the toilet and after a few minutes there was a big gush of blood.

I sat there for about 1/2 hour or could have been closer to an hour, then I decided to move to the couch. My pain started to slowly weaken. After a few hours I felt like getting up. I called my Dr. and left a message. When he returned my call the next day we discovered that his answering service wasn't working properly. He told me to call the perinatal office to schedule an appointment with them. So I went today.

I saw a new Dr. and she said that there was a large clot of blood next to the baby's sac and it was from the placenta tearing away from my uterus wall and that I needed to hire help for the kids and stay off of my feet, "SERIOUSLY!"

I'm asking for prayers from everyone I talk to. I'm scared. I want this baby to make it fine. I'm also scared of the pain of childbirth. The cramping I was having the other night had me asking myself what in the world have I gotten myself back into. I wasn't scared of the pain the first time, or the second time, so much. But I'm scared now. And I'm bummed that I can't do anything, like yoga, to help me make it through labor easier. Hopefully this will clear up quickly and everything will be fine.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The pets and new family member saga plays out again.

Myrtle passed away on Good Friday. That was this past Friday, April 2, 2010. Daniel had been working from home on his computer, that night, and had just gone out front to take a breather at 11:30 when he saw Myrtle in the road. Rigamortis had already set in. I don't know how long that takes, so I have no idea how long he had been dead, but it's not like Myrtle to not be here around supper time, which is before sundown. I thought about checking around for him earlier in the evening, because I'd noticed that I hadn't seen him, but my pregnancy brain failed me and I completely forgot about doing it before I could get started. Daniel seemed really upset about it when he came inside. His face was white. I cried, I almost thought I wouldn't. I've been kind of expecting it since one of our pets always dies when I'm pregnant. I really miss him though. He was just so sweet! He cuddled with the kids and was so understanding of them. He never tried to hurt them or fight back if they got too rough. And he was beautiful!

The kids didn't get sad at first. Kai still hasn't. They said that they were happy for him, because he gets to be in heaven with Jesus now. I was glad to hear them have such a good perspective on it. Delsin has broken down a couple of times with sadness, because he misses Myrtle. Says he feels like crying, but he can't. He brought a great amount of Love to our family and we will always be grateful.

In the past, when a pet dies while I'm pregnant, it has coincided with the sex of the baby. For example when I was with Delsin, our cat Lenny (male) died. When I was with Kai, our hamster Bonnie (female) died. With the last pregnancy, Priscilla went missing & never heard from again. That was a miscarriage, so who knows the sex? Now baby #4 and Myrtle. So Daniel thinks we're having a boy.

Also, there's always been new babies in our house when I've been pregnant. For example, When I was with Delsin, Bonnie had a litter of 10 hamsters. When I was with Kai, Ruby showed up pregnant and gave birth to 7 puppies (3 of which were Betsy, Delilah, and Little Bear). With the miscarriage, Myrtle was a kitten and shows up on the day of my final Dr. appointment. Does that count?
Now with this pregnancy, Papa and Nana sent the kids home with baby chicks this past Sunday, Easter Sunday. Does this count as the babies in our house with pregnancy? I hope so. This is plenty to take care of.