Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Heartbeat sounds like a girl!

I had another Dr. appointment yesterday. Dr. Spanier was the one I went to see.
Nothing out of the ordinary. They just measured me and listened to the heartbeat.
The nurse tech. (wish I was better with names) said it definitely sounded like a girl's heartbeat. Excitement is mounting!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

We have some names!

We've decided on some names
(I think)
For a boy:
Ryker Alexander
Ryker = (German) Powerful ruler,
(Danish) Strong power, hardy power
Alexander = (Greek) Helper and defender of mankind
For a girl:
Carolina Jane
Carolina = (German, French, Italian, Latin) Strong, courageous, beautiful woman
Jane = (Hebrew) God is gracious

Got to see the baby again!

Last Thursday I had another ultra sound.
I got to see the baby and he/she's doing fine. Growing great and fast.
I still have some spotting. It's old stuff, nothing to be too concerned about.

I've been feeling the baby moving, for sure, the past few days.
I was sure before too, but the day before and leading up to the ultrasound last week I didn't feel anything and of course was starting to get a little worried.
Today he/she was moving around a lot during church. I like that.

When we went for the ultra sound last Thursday I thought I saw something between the legs. I wasn't too sure, but right as I was thinking it the technician asked if I wanted to know the sex of the baby. So I'm excited about maybe picking up on another clue. Only thing is it's opposite of what I was guessing if that's true. So funny. It's just so much fun to guess and not know. The suspense is so exciting.
I mentioned it to the kids when we got back to the truck and Delsin said he saw it too. ☺

We have another ultra sound in 3 weeks. I'll get another chance, then to try and see more clues to see if I can strengthen or weaken my guess.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I like Dan Zanes music and I listen to it even when I'm alone. I don't care that it's "kid's music". It's fun to listen to and I like the sound. I like the style. I wish I knew of more music like this. It kinda reminds me of bluegrass, but happy bluegrass. And with a few more different kinds of instruments, maybe.

A few others I've found with a similar style are. Jack Johnson, Elizabeth Mitchell, Lisa Loeb & Elizabeth Michell together (I think they're sisters), Frances England, & Justin Roberts.

I just typed in Dan Zanes on Pandora. I don't think I've done this before and I don't understand why. And I can't figure out how to post a link to that station to this blog. I'll try a bit longer, but it's a good station and just what I was in the mood for. maybe?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The past two days have been beautiful. We have the doors all open and the windows open....wait...forgot to do that. Later.

Right now I'm listening to Tony Bennett's hit collection of cd's. Lots of good Tony Bennett to listen to. I'm folding clothes and straightening a little while watching the kids outside painting and playing around the backyard. Listening to this makes me want to put on one of G.G.'s vintage dresses and dance around the house while I vacuum the floors. ☺ Isn't that how life was when this music was most popular? (Kidding of course.)

It's a beautiful day. I already said that, huh? Supposed to rain sometime soon this afternoon. That'll be perfect, because I've failed to remember to water the bulbs we planted a week and a half ago. They need it.

I looked in the mirror as I was putting clothes away in our bedroom and noticed that I look really pregnant today. Like right in the middle of it all pregnant. That makes me smile. My head hasn't been aching so much today. That's nice. Yesterday it was throbbing.

I just wanted to take a moment to jot down what I've been feeling today. It's such a pleasant day. Even as the atmosphere is slowly darkening as the rain clouds set in. It's just wonderful. Thank You Lord. How Great Thou Art.

Friday, March 5, 2010

No more spotting and all seems well.

Today I had a Dr. appointment with Dr. Spanier. He wanted to see me after I had some heavy spotting yesterday. He checked and the cervix is closed. I haven't really had any spotting since. Just to be sure there's no danger though he had me go to the hospital where they did an ultra sound. They said they saw a large blood clot that would take a few days to work it's way out. The baby looks fine. We saw it moving around a little, and we saw the heart beating, all 4 chambers. And the new ultra sound says I'm 14 wks and 3 days along today. That's a week further along than I expected. The new due date is August 31st. Which is around the time I expected to give birth. Always at the end of a month, it seems. ☺

I'm ordered to be on bed rest. "Take it easy and keep your feet up." Is what I've been told. That's not so easy. The kids haven't been so difficult, but the dogs seem to be running in and out and barking so much. Not relaxing. Oh yeah, and Daniel said don't forget to mention I'm on "pelvic rest" too. That means no sex. LOL!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

First entry

I've been telling myself, "I need to start a pregnancy journal." But like everything else it hasn't happened yet. ...Well,....till now.

I want to come back later and type out exactly how we found out about the pregnancy and everything, but that will have to wait. I'm supposed to be in the bed right now. Dr's orders. I had some heavy spotting this morning on our way back from a Mom's By Design meeting. So, I got to thinking I wonder how far along I was when.... with a previous pregnancy. I started to go grab my other pregnancy journals when I decided to start this one.

I was going to keep it in a book like my previous ones, but I think I'll do primarily a blog page. I can keep this forever. I think?