The past two days have been beautiful. We have the doors all open and the windows open....wait...forgot to do that. Later.
Right now I'm listening to Tony Bennett's hit collection of cd's. Lots of good Tony Bennett to listen to. I'm folding clothes and straightening a little while watching the kids outside painting and playing around the backyard. Listening to this makes me want to put on one of G.G.'s vintage dresses and dance around the house while I vacuum the floors. ☺ Isn't that how life was when this music was most popular? (Kidding of course.)
It's a beautiful day. I already said that, huh? Supposed to rain sometime soon this afternoon. That'll be perfect, because I've failed to remember to water the bulbs we planted a week and a half ago. They need it.
I looked in the mirror as I was putting clothes away in our bedroom and noticed that I look really pregnant today. Like right in the middle of it all pregnant. That makes me smile. My head hasn't been aching so much today. That's nice. Yesterday it was throbbing.
I just wanted to take a moment to jot down what I've been feeling today. It's such a pleasant day. Even as the atmosphere is slowly darkening as the rain clouds set in. It's just wonderful. Thank You Lord. How Great Thou Art.